SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (2024)

Examples of using Some hallmarks

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (1)

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  • colloquial SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (4)
  • ecclesiastic SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (5)
  • computer SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (6)
  • ecclesiastic SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (7)

Some hallmarks of an Introvert:

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (8)Ada beberapa karakteristik mengenai seorang introvert:

Fatigue, moodiness, lack of enthusiasm, depression and increased cortisol(the“stress” hormone)are some hallmarks of overtraining syndrome.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (9)Kelelahan, kemurungan, kurangnya antusiasme, depresi, dan peningkatan kortisol( hormon" stres")adalah beberapa ciri sindrom overtraining.

Fatigue, moodiness, lack of enthusiasm, depression, and increased cortisol(the“stress” hormone)are some hallmarks of overtraining syndrome.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (10)Kelelahan, kemurungan, kurangnya antusiasme, depresi, dan peningkatan kortisol( hormon stres)adalah beberapa ciri dari sindrom overtraining.

If cell death is a slow process,maybe there are some hallmarks, some harbingers, of what happens before cell death that would give you a good clinical target for slowing or preventing the disease.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (11)Sekiranya kematian sel adalah proses perlahan,mungkin ada beberapa ciri, beberapa perkara yang harbinger, apa yang berlaku sebelum kematian sel yang akan memberikan anda sasaran klinikal yang baik untuk melambatkan atau mencegah penyakit.

If cell death is a slow process,maybe there are some hallmarks, some harbingers, of what happens before cell death that would give you a good clinical target for slowing or preventing the disease.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (12)Jika kematian sel adalah proses yang lambat,mungkin ada beberapa keunggulan, beberapa pertanda, tentang apa yang terjadi sebelum kematian sel yang akan memberi Anda target klinis yang baik untuk memperlambat atau mencegah penyakit.

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Below are some essential hallmarks of a good leader that I have written about in my previous letters to shareholders.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (19)Berikut adalah beberapa keunggulan penting dari seorang pemimpin yang baik yang saya telah ditulis di surat saya sebelumnya kepada pemegang saham.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (20)Sejauh yang diketahui belum ada informasi yang menyebutkan bahwa Dark Ones akan muncul di Metro Exodus,tetapi anak yang muncul di trailer ini memiliki beberapa ciri yang cukup dikenal.

When decorating the interior of a home in the Tudor fashion thereis no set in stone rules though there are some touches that are the hallmarks of Tudor style and beauty.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (21)Saat mendekorasi interior rumah dengan gaya Tudor,tidak ada aturan dalam batu meskipun ada beberapa sentuhan yang menjadi ciri khas gaya dan keindahan Tudor.

Suicidal thoughts: Suicidal thoughts and attempts are the hallmarks of mental illness, and some patients might even become violent and endanger the lives of other family members.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (22)Pikiran untuk bunuh diri:pikiran dan upaya bunuh diri adalah keunggulan dari penyakit mental, dan beberapa pasien bahkan mungkin menjadi kekerasan dan membahayakan nyawa anggota keluarga lainnya.

To do so,they had to bow to U.S. and Chinese demands to drop some of the pledges that have become hallmarks of the Group of 20 industrialized nations, which represents two-thirds of the global population.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (23)Untuk melakukannya,mereka harus tunduk pada permintaan AS dan Cina untuk menjatuhkan beberapa ikrar yang telah menjadi tanda dari Kelompok 20 negara industri, yang mewakili dua pertiga dari populasi global.


To do so,they had to bow to US and Chinese demands to drop some of the pledges that have become hallmarks of the Group of 20(G-20) industrialised nations, which represents two-thirds of the global population.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (28)Untuk melakukannya,mereka harus tunduk pada permintaan AS dan Cina untuk menjatuhkan beberapa ikrar yang telah menjadi tanda dari Kelompok 20 negara industri, yang mewakili dua pertiga dari populasi global.

Some of the hallmark symptoms include itchiness, redness, and dry skin;

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (29)Beberapa gejala khas meliputi gatal, kemerahan, dan kulit kering;

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There are some features that are the hallmark application smart IP cameras Hikvision Indonesian style,some of these applications are;

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (30)Terdapat beberapa fitur aplikasi yang menjadi keunggulan kamera smart IP Indonesia ala Hikvision,beberapa aplikasi tersebut adalah;

But many also believe thatIBS doesn't explain every gut issue, and some of its hallmark symptoms are also characteristic of other problems, like parasitic infections.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (31)Tetapi banyak juga yang percaya bahwaIBS tidak selalu berhubungan dengan masalah usus, beberapa gejala khasnya juga merupakan karakteristik dari masalah lain, seperti infeksi parasit.

Some plants that became the hallmark of a Japanese garden is the bamboo, grass and trees and shrubs.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (32)Beberapa tanaman yang menjadi ciri khas taman bergaya Jepang adalah bambu, rumput dan pohon perdu.

Too much cortisol can produce some of the hallmark signs of Cushing syndrome- a fatty hump between your shoulders, a rounded face, and pink or purple stretch marks on the skin.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (33)Terlalu banyak kortisol dapat menghasilkan beberapa tanda ciri sindrom Cushing- punuk lemak antara bahu Anda, wajah bulat, dan merah muda atau stretch ungu mark pada kulit Anda.

Too much cortisol can produce some of the hallmark signs of Cushing syndrome- a fatty hump between your shoulders, a rounded face, and pink or purple stretch marks on your skin.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (34)Terlalu banyak kortisol dapat menghasilkan beberapa tanda-tanda khas sindrom Cushing, seperti sebuah punuk lemak di antara bahu Anda, wajah bulat, dan tanda stretch merah muda atau ungu pada kulit Anda.

Too much cortisol can produce some of the hallmark signs of Cushing syndrome- a fatty hump between a patient's shoulders, a rounded face, and pink or purple stretch marks on the skin.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (35)Terlalu banyak kortisol dapat menghasilkan beberapa tanda ciri sindrom Cushing- punuk lemak antara bahu Anda, wajah bulat, dan merah muda atau stretch ungu mark pada kulit Anda.

There are some general behaviors that make up the hallmark of this disorder,

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (36)Ada beberapa perilaku yang dinilai menjadi ciri dari gangguan ini.

Too much cortisol can produce some of the hallmark signs and symptoms of Cushing's syndrome a fatty hump between your shoulders, a rounded face, and pink or purple stretch marks(striations) on your skin.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (37)Terlalu banyak kortisol dapat menghasilkan beberapa tanda-tanda khas sindrom Cushing, seperti sebuah punuk lemak di antara bahu Anda, wajah bulat, dan tanda stretch merah muda atau ungu pada kulit Anda.

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Liverpool have not been at their fluent best at all this season, with some critics saying that this is the hallmark of champions.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (38)Liverpool belum di bentuk terbaik mereka di musim ini, beberapa kritikus mengatakan bahwa ini adalah ciri khas juara.

Here are some of the hallmarks of Scandinavian design we need to know.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (39)Itulah beberapa ciri khas dari desain gaya Skandinavia yang perlu kamu ketahui.

You can also search for some authentic hallmarks which are an assurance of purity.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (40)Anda juga dapat mencari beberapa keunggulan otentik yang merupakan jaminan kesucian.

Intelligence sources said the attacks bore some of the hallmarks of the Islamic State extremist group.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (41)Sumber-sumber intelijen AS mengatakan, serangan itu memiliki beberapa keunggulan dari kelompok ekstremis Negara Islam.

Denim has seen some of the hallmarks of pressure, and across different retail models, such as subscription.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (42)Denim telah melihat beberapa keunggulan tekanan, dan pada model ritel yang berbeda, seperti berlangganan.

Starting in the 1960s, researchers noted that some obese individuals didn't have the hallmarks of weight-related illnesses.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (43)Mulai tahun 1960- an, para peneliti mencatat bahwa beberapa individu obesitas tidak memiliki keterkaitan dengan penyakit berat.

There was some poor defending but has been the hallmark of the season.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (44)Ada beberapa momen pertahanan yang buruk, tapi itu menjadi ciri khas musim ini.

Amag's campaign has some of the hallmarks that helped launch the first female libido drug, Addyi, a once-a-day pill approved in 2015.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (45)Kampanye Amag memiliki beberapa keunggulan yang membantu meluncurkan obat libido wanita pertama, Addyi, pil sekali sehari yang disetujui pada tahun 2015.

Separated from each other by geographical barriers, they mostly evolved in isolation,and each group developed some of our hallmark traits, but not others.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (46)Terpisah dari satu sama lain oleh penghalang geografis, mereka berevolusi dalam isolasi,dan tiap kelompok membentuk beberapa ciri khas kita, namun tidak dengan yang lain.

Morning sickness is one of the hallmark signs of pregnancy but for some women, it can be extremely debilitating.

SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (47)Morning sickness itu adlh tanda-tanda kehamilan yang paling jelas, tetapi beberapa wanita mungkin akan melewatinya.

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SOME HALLMARKS in Indonesian Translation (2024)


What is the meaning of hallmarks? ›

: a distinguishing characteristic, trait, or feature. the dramatic flourishes which are the hallmark of the trial lawyer Marion K. Sanders. hallmark.

What is hallmark slang for? ›

Though some products have real hallmarks on them, indicating their creator or origin, this word is usually used in a less literal way to describe a unique attribute, a special style, or typical feature. A basketball player could say that coming to practice early is a hallmark of her success.

Why is it called hallmark? ›

In 1928, the company introduced the brand name Hallmark, after the hallmark symbol used by goldsmiths in London in the 14th century, and began printing the name on the back of every card. That same year, the company became the first in the greeting card industry to advertise their product nationally.

What does show all the hallmarks mean? ›

If something is the hallmark of or has/​bears all the hallmarks of something, it has all the essential features associated with that thing.

What are hallmarks used for? ›

A hallmark is an official mark or series of marks struck on items made of metal, mostly to certify the content of noble metals—such as platinum, gold, silver and in some nations, palladium. In a more general sense, the term hallmark can also be used to refer to any distinguishing mark.

How do you identify hallmarks? ›

The four components of a hallmark are: the sponsor or maker's mark, the standard mark, the assay office mark and the date letter for the year. Hallmark identification should answer four important questions - where; what; when; who.

What is hallmark called now? ›

Hallmark Media, formerly known as Crown Media Family Networks, operates three leading cable networks – Hallmark Channel, Hallmark Mystery and Hallmark Family – and a subscription video on demand streaming service, Hallmark Movies Now.

What does "hallmark person" mean? ›

The hallmark of something or someone is their most typical quality or feature.

What is the synonym of hallmark? ›

indication trademark. Strong matches. badge certification device emblem endorsem*nt mark ratification seal sign signet stamp.

How do you use hallmarks in a sentence? ›

He had all the hallmarks of a great baseball player. Humor is one of the hallmarks of her style. The murder bore all the hallmarks of a serial killer's work.

What does hallmarks mean in writing? ›

a typical characteristic or feature of a person or thing: hallmark of Simplicity is a hallmark of this design. bear the hallmarks of This explosion bears all the hallmarks of (= is likely to have been) a terrorist attack.

What is the legal definition of hallmark? ›

The purpose of hallmarking is to protect buyers of precious metal items against fraud. The hallmark is a mark which shows that the item has been independently tested and verified as matching its description, and conforming to all legal standards of purity or fineness of the metal.

What does the hallmark stand for? ›

A hallmark is a stamp or symbol imprinted on the gold item, indicating its worth in karat (purity) and other relevant details. For example, 24-carat gold will have a hallmark "999," meaning it contains 99.9% pure gold.

What is the difference between a mark and a hallmark? ›

There are two types of marks commonly found on jewelry: a hallmark indicates the type of precious metal and its purity. a makers mark is a symbol or initials that indicate the maker or origin of the jewelry.

What is the significance of hallmark? ›

The historical significance of hallmarking lies in its role as a trusted guarantee of authenticity, assuring buyers of the metal's quality and genuineness. It is a testament to craftsmanship, trade ethics, and the enduring value placed on ensuring consumers receive what they expect when purchasing precious metal items.

What do hallmark symbols mean? ›

A hallmark is made of 3 compulsory symbols: the sponsor or maker's mark, the metal and fineness (purity) mark, and the assay office mark.


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.